How does the electric flycatcher LED light works?

Flies Nuisance
For thousands of years, flies have been a nuisance pest. Since they can spread diseases, they have an effect on human welfare.
Since they breed in rotting food, waste, and garbage, flies like the common housefly are known as filth flies.

In as little as ten days, a fly will mature from egg to adult. This rapid maturation will result in a serious fly infestation in a short period of time.
For long-term efficiency & to get rid of flies, sanitation and exclusion are important.
To get rid of an established fly population, use insecticides or LED lights.
Insecticides are available in a number of ways, including residuals, aerosols, fogging products, and baits.
LED Fly Lights with distinct UV spectrums have also been known to attract and capture flies.
Fly lights are most commonly used in commercial settings because they are efficient.
LED flycatcher lights
There’s a lot to like about summer, but one of the biggest drawbacks is the flies and bugs that come with it.
Why do flies seem to have no problem flying into your house but never seem to be able to leave the house?
They are definitely inconvenient, but they may also be rather unhygienic, posing a risk of disease transmission.
Fortunately, there are some very successful ways to deal with flies that are much more advanced than chasing them down with a rolled-up newspaper
Although we’re more used to seeing electric fly killers in cafes and restaurants, they’re becoming more common in homes, particularly as our summers get hotter and flies become more of a problem.
They’re a perfect choice because they do all the work for you: no chasing flies around, no spraying chemicals into the air, and they even deal with them when you’re out, thus reducing the risk of contaminating food left out in the open, such as fruit.
How does the electric flycatcher LED light works?
UV light is used in electric flycatchers to trap and destroy flying insects. UV light is invisible to the human eye, but it is very attractive to flies.
They are attracted by the light and destroyed by being bound to a glue sheet or zapped with an electric killing grid.

UV light has traditionally been produced by a UV bulb, which has worked well for a long time.
However, a new generation of electric flycatchers is now available on the market that uses UV LEDs instead of UV bulbs as a UV source.
Both are good at killing flies, but there are a few differences to remember when selecting an electric flycatcher.
UV LED fly killers (vs) UV bulb fly killers
Explaining how UV LEDs and UV bulbs produce UV light is the best way to understand the differences between them.
When an electric charge is applied to mercury phosphor, it creates visible and invisible UV light.
It works well for generating UV light, but the mercury phosphor has a shelf life and will degrade after about a year.
This means that in order for the fly killer to continue to function, the bulbs would need to be replaced every year.
LEDs, on the other hand, do not use mercury phosphor to attract flies; instead, they use electrical currents.
LEDs emit light with a very small bandwidth as current flows between the positive and negative sides of a circuit, resulting in invisible UV rays.
LEDs last much longer (usually about 10 years) and do not need to be replaced every year like UV bulbs do because they are made of an electrical process rather than a degradable material.
This not only makes it easier to manage, but it also lowers operating costs. LEDs will last up to ten times longer than bulbs, providing up to 20,000 hours of continuous use.
So if you need fly control in your commercial or residential place, kindly feel free to call PEST QUIT @ 18005727077 to our toll free number Or drop a mail on We do provide all kinds of pest control services in all India locations.
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