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Things To Know Before First Bed Bug Bite

Things To Know Before First Bed Bug Bite


In nature, Bedbugs are small insects who feed on humans or animal’s blood at the most time. They are capable to live and multiple quickly in your bed, furniture, carpet, clothing, and other day-to-day belongings. They feed on humans and animals when they sleep and hence are active mainly at night.
Bedbugs are 1-7 mm long. They’re flat, oval-shaped, and reddish-brown in color. The blood feed by bed bugs cannot be seen by our naked eyes, but their bites are extremely itchy.
In some cases, they become infected or cause an allergic reaction. If you come to know there are bed bugs living with you, it is important to get rid of them quickly.


For some people bed bug bites are not even noticed symptoms but when they do develop, they can be described as:
  1. Red and swollen, with a dark spot at the center of each bite
  2. arranged in lines or clusters, with multiple bites grouped together
  3. itchy lines on the skin.
bed bug bites
Bedbugs can bite any part of your body. But they’ll usually bite areas of skin that are exposed while you sleep, such as your face, neck, arms, hands, and legs.


Symptoms of Bed bug bites on your skin cannot be seen immediately. Before feeding on people they release a kind of anesthetic by which it may take some days to realize the bed bug bites to appear on the skin.

  1. Red and swollen skin.
  2. Multiple bites may appear on the skin.
  3. Rust color stains on mattresses, walls & furniture.
  4. The bites tend to be itchy. Itchiness may be burning over a period of time.
If you have bedbugs living in your home, they may not feed every single night, as they can pass on multiple days without eating. It might take a few weeks to realize that the bites are part of a larger pattern.

So, if you find red and swollen skin on your exposed areas, then it is time to get checked your home for bed bugs problem.


If you find some of the symptoms related to mentioned above, and if you are confirmed you are living with bed bugs, then the next step is to look for where they are hiding:
  1. mattresses
  2. box springs
  3. bed frames
  4. headboards
  5. pillows and bedding
  6. cracks in furniture
  7. carpeting around baseboards
  8. behind light switches
  9. curtains
  10. clothes
You may see the bugs as small insect looking, creatures. You may see small droppings of bed bugs also called bed bug infestation in your bed or mattress corners.
If you find bedbugs, call a pest control company. A pest control company may have access to insecticides or equipment related to bed bugs control that might be difficult for you to buy, rent, or use on your own.


Usually, the treatment of bed bug bites can be done at home. In most cases, bedbug bites get better within one to two weeks.
Stil you can try these home remedies:

  1. Try not to scratch the infected area caused by bed bug bites. By scratching, the risk of infection grows highly.
  2. Apply anti-itch cream.
  3. Try to wash the infected area with soap and water.
  4. Apply a softly cold cloth or an ice pack wrapped in a towel on the infected area.
  5. Applying some essential oils.
  6. Some of the studies suggest that camphor oil, chamomile oil, or some other types of essential oil may help relieve bug bites.
  7. In severe conditions, you must visit your nearest doctor for treatment.


If you came to know your baby or child has got bed bug bites, then immediately check their sheets, mattress, bed frame, baby toys for signs of bugs.
Talk to your child’s specialist doctor before using any creams or home remedies on the baby to treat the bites. Some medications may not be safe for babies or young children.
Ask your child not to scratch the bites, if they are old enough to understand your instructions.
Note: If you hire a pest control expert to get rid of bedbugs in your home, let them know if you have a pet. It’s also important to have regular practice to wash your pet’s bed, toys, and other accessories where bedbugs may be living.


Though there are no known transmittable diseases that a person can contract from bed bug bites, there are many moms-to-be who would like to know the effects of bed bug bites during pregnancy.
There are instances when moms tend to worry too much about anything that may possibly affect their baby, one of those being bedbug bites. Fortunately, since the bites are on the skin and bed bugs are only feeding on your blood, it won’t affect or cause any problems with the baby.
However, bed bug bites may cause itchy, swollen, and pink lesions with a blister-like center. Some may also develop blisters on the patterns or tracks of the sequential bed bug feedings. Bed bug bites are both aesthetically displeasing and uncomfortable and these may cause stress to pregnant women.
So it is always good to have your home bug free while pregnancy to avoid extra stress.
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