What Does Squirrel Like To Eat?

what food does squirrels like? Understanding Squirrels' Seasonal Diet
Winter and Fall Delicacies
During the fall, squirrels diligently collect nuts and seeds, hoarding them away for the leaner winter months. They're known to stash their treasures in various places, sometimes even resorting to creating decoy holes to fool potential thieves. Their favorites include acorns, walnuts, hickory nuts, and Osage orange fruits. This resourcefulness helps them survive when food becomes scarce in colder weather.
Summer and Spring Feasts
As the seasons change, so does the squirrel's menu. In the warmer months, they indulge in berries, fruits, and succulents. From oranges to apricots and even avocados, squirrels have a taste for a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Gardeners may find themselves questioning, "do squirrels eat apples?" The answer is a resounding yes. With their continuously growing front teeth, squirrels can nibble through tough exteriors with ease, leaving behind telltale bite marks on various crops.
Beyond Fruits and Nuts
While nuts and fruits form the staple of their diet, squirrels aren't picky eaters. Depending on the species, they might incorporate insects and even small animals into their meals. Flying squirrels, in particular, exhibit a more carnivorous inclination, sometimes preying on bird eggs and nestlings. Interestingly, squirrel infants rely on their mother's milk initially, a diet that sustains them until they're ready to venture out of the nest.
Nutritious Delights: Nuts, Seeds, and Fruits

Squirrels are renowned for their love of nuts, seeds, and fruits. These items constitute the primary components of their diet and provide essential nutrients for their health and vitality.
Nuts: A Staple Source of Energy
Nuts, such as acorns, walnuts, and hazelnuts, are favored by squirrels for their high energy content and nutritional value. Squirrels exhibit impressive dexterity in cracking open nuts to access the nutritious kernels within.
Seeds: Small Packages of Nutrition
Seeds are another favorite food of squirrels. Whether it's sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, or seeds from various plants and trees, squirrels eagerly forage for these tiny nutritional powerhouses.
Fruits: Nature's Sweet Treats
Squirrels have a sweet tooth for fruits, relishing the juicy goodness of berries, apples, and other fruits they encounter in their habitats. Fruits not only provide sugars for energy but also essential vitamins and minerals.
Surprising Culinary Adventures: Fungi, Snakes, and Rodents
While nuts, seeds, and fruits make up the bulk of their diet, squirrels are not averse to occasional culinary adventures that might surprise us.
Fungi: Unconventional Delicacies
Squirrels have been observed consuming fungi, such as mushrooms. While not a primary component of their diet, fungi might offer squirrels additional sources of nutrients, especially during times of scarcity.
Unusual Prey: Snakes and Other Rodents
In some instances, squirrels have been known to exhibit carnivorous behavior, preying on snakes and smaller rodents. While this behavior is relatively rare and usually opportunistic, it showcases the adaptability of squirrels in their quest for sustenance.
Survival Strategies: The Art of Caching
One of the most fascinating behaviors exhibited by squirrels is caching, the practice of burying food for long-term storage. This behavior is particularly crucial for their survival during harsh winter months when food sources may be scarce.
Caching: Storing Food for Lean Times
Squirrels meticulously bury nuts and seeds in various locations, creating hidden stashes known as caches. These caches serve as reserves of food that squirrels can rely on when resources are scarce, helping them survive through periods of cold and scarcity.
Adaptive Behavior: Anticipating Future Needs
The act of caching reflects the remarkable cognitive abilities of squirrels. They not only gather food for immediate consumption but also anticipate future needs, strategically storing food items to sustain them through challenging times.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Squirrel Diet
What do squirrels like to eat? Squirrels have a varied diet but typically enjoy nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, and vegetables. They are also known to consume insects, bird eggs, and sometimes even small vertebrates.
Do squirrels eat only nuts? No, while nuts are a favorite food for many squirrels, they have a diverse diet. They also consume fruits like apples and berries, vegetables, seeds, and grains.
Can squirrels eat bread? Squirrels can eat bread, but it's not an ideal food for them. Bread lacks the necessary nutrients and can fill them up without providing much nutritional value. Feeding them bread in moderation is fine, but it should not be a staple part of their diet.
Are there any foods that are harmful to squirrels? Yes, certain foods can be harmful to squirrels. Avoid feeding them sugary snacks, salty foods, and processed human food. Additionally, avoid feeding them anything toxic to animals, such as chocolate, caffeine, or alcohol.
Can squirrels eat fruits and vegetables? Yes, squirrels can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. They enjoy fruits like apples, oranges, and berries, as well as vegetables like carrots and broccoli. Providing a mix of fresh produce can be a healthy addition to their diet.
How do I attract squirrels to my yard or garden? To attract squirrels, you can provide a variety of foods such as nuts, seeds, and fruits in feeders or scattered around your yard. Creating a welcoming environment with trees for shelter and water sources can also encourage squirrels to visit.
Are there any specific nuts that squirrels prefer? Squirrels often enjoy nuts such as acorns, walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts. These nuts are a good source of nutrition and are commonly found in the diet of many squirrel species.
Should I provide water for squirrels? Yes, providing fresh water is important for squirrels, especially during hot weather or drought conditions. You can set up a shallow dish or birdbath with clean water for them to drink from.
How much food should I feed squirrels? It's best to provide food for squirrels in moderation. Overfeeding can lead to dependency and may attract more squirrels than your environment can support. A handful of nuts or seeds per squirrel per day is generally sufficient.
What should I do if I notice a squirrel acting unusual after eating? If you observe a squirrel showing signs of distress or illness after eating, it's best to consult with a wildlife expert or veterinarian. Avoid feeding the squirrel any further until you can determine the cause of the issue.
In conclusion, squirrels are opportunistic omnivores with a diverse palate that includes nuts, seeds, fruits, and occasionally, unconventional food items such as fungi and small prey.
Their ability to adapt to changing conditions and employ survival strategies like caching underscores their remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. By understanding what squirrels like to eat and how they procure their food, we gain a deeper appreciation for these charming creatures and their role in the natural world.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ'S)
Q. What food does squirrels like?
Squirrels enjoy a variety of foods including nuts, seeds, fruits like apples and berries, and vegetables such as corn and squash.
Q. What is squirrels favorite food?
Squirrels are particularly fond of nuts like acorns, walnuts, and almonds. They also enjoy seeds such as sunflower seeds and fruits like apples.
Q. What would the squirrel like to eat?
Squirrels have a diverse diet, preferring nuts, seeds, fruits like berries, and vegetables like corn. They enjoy a mix of these foods for a balanced diet.
Q. What should you not feed squirrels?
Avoid feeding squirrels foods high in salt, sugar, or artificial additives. Also, steer clear of avocados, chocolate, and anything moldy or spoiled.
Q. Do squirrels eat rice?
While squirrels can eat rice, it's not a natural part of their diet. It's best to offer them foods they naturally consume, such as nuts and fruits.
Q. Can squirrels eat boiled rice?
Boiled rice is safe for squirrels to eat in small amounts. However, it's not a staple food for them, so it's better to offer alternatives like nuts and seeds.
Q. Do squirrels eat potatoes?
Squirrels can eat potatoes, but they are not a preferred food. It's best to offer them other options like nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
Q. Does squirrel eat tomato?
Squirrels may nibble on tomatoes, but it's not a common part of their diet. They prefer nuts, seeds, and fruits like berries over tomatoes.
Q. Do squirrels eat carrots?
Squirrels can eat carrots, but they are not a preferred food. They tend to enjoy nuts, seeds, and fruits more than vegetables like carrots.
Q. Can squirrels eat bread?
Squirrels can eat bread, but it's not very nutritious for them. Offer them healthier options like nuts, seeds, and fruits for a more balanced diet.
Q. What do squirrels hate the most?
Squirrels dislike strong scents like those from peppermint, garlic, and spicy peppers. These scents can deter them from certain areas.
Q. What scares squirrels the most?
Squirrels are often scared by sudden movements, loud noises, and the presence of predators like cats and birds of prey. They're also wary of unfamiliar objects or people.